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This is a great way to understand Fidelity and Implementation… It’s really about treatment but a nice description anyway

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40 Phrases That Praise!

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Here at Delta we are ALWAYS LEARNING! Below we offer you some of our favorite resources. We understand that the reader will not always agree completely with the writer and so we hope you will take from the resources those things that are helpful to you and respectfully leave the rest.  

NIDA explores in this video the intriguing similarities between the processes of brain development and computer programming. The analogy helps us understand ...

This kid-friendly video explains how repeated substance use can hijack brain function, and the importance of delaying use until the brain has fully developed...

You might think that only some types of people can get addicted to drugs. The truth is, it can happen to anyone, whether you're young or old, rich or poor, m...

Opioids mimic the body's natural pain relievers, binding to receptor proteins in the brain and inducing euphoria. "Addiction" premieres tomorrow night at 9/8...


Mother and Son The Respect Effect

Well, maybe it’s because I am a mother with a TEENAGE Son but wow was I struggling! This book helped me to understand the language of respect and it’s importance to a boy’s world. This is for moms and other women who love boys!


Ted Talk: Dr Brene Brown The Power of Vulnerability


Present Over Perfect Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living

Is it ME??? This Book Touched me SOOOO Deeply I found myself yelling at the audiobook to SHUT UP! because it was so real for me. - Angela Da Re

Her Webpage:



Paul Tough How Children Succeed

Paul Tough - How Children Succeed is standard reading for parents, educators and those of us who work to strengthen families to raise successful children. http://www.paultough.com/the-books/how-children-succeed/


The 5 Love Languages of Children: The Secret to Loving Children Effectively

Have you ever spend time doing EVERYTHING YOU COULD to express love to your child only to find they don’t seem to “hear” what you’re saying? The 5 love languages will help you learn to navigate the language of your children for better communication! https://www.5lovelanguages.com/2012/10/loving-children-effectively/


The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting: Raising Children with Courage, Compassion, and Connection

We all know that perfect parenting does not exist, yet we still struggle with the social expectations that teach us that being imperfect is synonymous with being inadequate. https://youtu.be/SLZhG90HFG8


We love Dr Gottman.

For our relationships with our spouses, Dr Gottman always points us in the right direction! Here is a great video:


Here is his website:


Want a laugh? Watch our favorite Parenting video… The Parent Rap…

When all we want is for someone to listen (bahahahaha) It’s not about the nail…


For our Friends who are Trainers/Facilitators/Group Leaders…

We are often asked for resources that help our friends become better at what they do… here we have some resources that might help you out!

Games for kids/youth/teens (and maybe families) https://www.playworks.org/game-library/