Keep Connected by Search Institute is a family program designed to deepen connection, strengthen bonds, and build valuable skills together. It is the perfect opportunity to reconnect and grow closer as we enter the holiday season, creating meaningful memories that last a lifetime.
Middle school years are a time of big change for all kids and their families
What is Keep Connected?
Keep Connected is designed to strengthen family engagement, learn keys to positive family relationships and try new ways to stay connected as kids grow up.
It is for families of teens and pre-teens between the ages of 10 to 14. Many programs look at what's wrong with families. Keep Connected starts with a family's strengths to build on what they're already doing right. Adults and. youth both participate which increases proficiency and understanding of the skills. Keep Connected program is for ALL families. “Parents” may include grandparents, foster parents or adults who are responsible for raising children.
The Keep Connected workshops include time for:
Parents to explore challenges and strategies with other parenting adults
Youth to explore family relationships with other youth
Parents and youth to explore their relationships together
Strategies and tools to connect and build trust with their families
For more information about Keep Connected and The Search Institute explore here!